aexotic // faiiry gutz


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usernames + more

: faiiry.gutz instagram, hxvsoka playstation network, aexotic#0069 discord , venti#118701 blizzard id , 605054301 genshin uid american servers, hxvsoka twitchabout me: 18 y/o, chinese, english speaking, gamer, cosplayer, ISTP, any pronount, panromantic, ace, managing college and cosplay all at once <3

✔ likes ✔
overwatch, league of legends, genshin impact, apex legends, making edits, room decor, cats, dragons, roller coasters, crab rangoons, final fantasy, rainbow six siege, making kandi and cakes, jujutsu kaisen, banana fish, fire emblem, going to conventions and dancing, and making friends!
✘ dislikes ✘
smelly conventions, political talks, disrespect, people who won't let me pay for them, arguing over nothing, weird textures, tomato, fake people, manipulator, attention seekers, wasting time, and things not going to plan.


anyone: being rude
minors: flirting, sexual poses/words
non-mutuals/friends: hugs


anyone: high fives, pictures, trading/gifts, compliments
minors: same as above
mutuals/friends: hugs, rants, play-flirting, personal questions